2024 Dues and Annual Meeting Announcement

The mailing with the 2024 dues bill and announcement of the 2024 Annual Homeowners Meeting was mailed on November 30th and should be arriving in mailboxes any day now, if you haven’t already gotten it. The executive summary: In order to save printing and mailing costs, a number of things which were not required byContinue reading “2024 Dues and Annual Meeting Announcement”

Minutes from the November 14, 2023 public board meeting

A public board meeting was held at Searchlight Ministries Church on November 14, 2023. The primary item of discussion was the proposed 2023 budget from Waveland. The budget was shown to meeting attendees and discussed, but final approval of the budget was deferred to a future board meeting to allow the final decision of whetherContinue reading “Minutes from the November 14, 2023 public board meeting”