2025 Dues notices and annual meeting invitation mailed

This weekend, we mailed out the annual dues invoices and invitations to the Annual Meeting in January. Everyone for whom we had an email address on file should have received it in email within the last 2 days. Everyone who did not opt in to electronic-only communication will be receiving a printed copy in the US Mail in the next few days.

The important part everyone wants to know:

  • 2025 Dues are $175 and are due January 8, 2025. Note that your individual amount may be more or less depending on account credits from last year or unpaid fines, so check your actual invoice in the mailing.
  • The General Meeting at which we will elect the next board of directors will be held on January 10, 2025 at 6:30pm at Searchlight Ministries, located at 4020 22nd Ave, Hudsonville, MI 49426.

Thank you to those of you who opted in to electronic-only communication! There is a form in the packet you can send us if you want to join them. This mailing cost us $180.32 once all the costs were added up. $47.00 worth of toner, paper, and envelopes, and $133.32 in postage stamps. And a few hours of board members folding, stuffing, stamping, and sealing.

Here are the documents that were mailed out, in case you lost your copy or weren’t the household member who received it and are curious:

Our original proposed budget in November had suggested $140 for dues. A recent review of our physical assets determined that our reserve fund now requires $30,000 to be considered fully funded, and not having it there is why we had to charge an assessment with the 2024 dues to cover 2/3 of the sign replacement project. Here’s a good article on how HOA reserve funds are supposed to work. After discussion at our public hearing on November 1st, we decided to raise the 2025 dues to $175 in order to put an additional $5000 into the reserve (about $33 per house), bringing the reserve up to $20,000, with the plan of putting another $5000 in each year until getting it fully funded at $30,000 by 2027.