After confirming the details with Waveland about how the ACH (direct debit) payments are being handled this year, we wanted to pass along the information to avoid any surprises.
Author Archives: RMJHOA Admin
2022 Year in Review
A lot has happened with Rolling Meadows this last year. A little background about how we got here for those who may be new: The HOA essentially started over from scratch in 2020, due to lack of records handed over and an almost empty bank account left by the previous board. Most of 2020 wasContinue reading “2022 Year in Review”
2023 Dues and Annual Meeting Announcement
The mailing with the 2023 dues bill and announcement of the 2023 Annual Homeowners Meeting was mailed this last weekend and should be arriving in mailboxes any day now, if you haven’t already gotten it. The executive summary: In order to save printing and mailing costs, a number of things which were not required byContinue reading “2023 Dues and Annual Meeting Announcement”
Minutes from December 1, 2022 Board Meeting
A board meeting was held on December 1, 2022, with the primary purpose of approving the budget which was tabled from the November 15th meeting. We also discussed preparation topics for the upcoming annual homeowners meeting including setting the date, and reviewed additional quotes and ideas surrounding replacing our decaying/rotting entrance signs. The minutes areContinue reading “Minutes from December 1, 2022 Board Meeting”
Minutes and recording from November 15, 2022 board meeting
A public board meeting was held at Searchlight Ministries Church on November 15, 2022. The primary item of discussion was the proposed 2023 budget from Waveland. The budget was shown to meeting attendees and discussed, but final approval of the budget was deferred to a future board meeting due to Waveland not getting it toContinue reading “Minutes and recording from November 15, 2022 board meeting”
Public Board Meeting November 15, 2022
Good afternoon Rolling Meadows Neighbors, The HOA Board is hosting an in-person open board meeting and public hearing on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 6:30pm. The meeting location will be held at Searchlight Ministries Church, 4020 22nd Avenue, Hudsonville. The church is located at the corner of 22nd and Quincy directly behind our subdivision. UseContinue reading “Public Board Meeting November 15, 2022”
Minutes from October 11, 2022 board meeting
The HOA Board held a meeting for HOA business on October 11th. The minutes from the meeting can be found here.
Rolling Meadows Web Site Now Live
The HOA web site is now live at We hope to use this site to provide a central location for homeowners to get information about the HOA and the neighborhood that doesn’t require a Facebook account. We apologize for the ads on the site, that’s a side effect of getting it free. If theContinue reading “Rolling Meadows Web Site Now Live”