Your 2025 RMJHOA board held their first meeting February 7th.
They have elected the following officers for this term:
Your 2025 RMJHOA board held their first meeting February 7th.
They have elected the following officers for this term:
This weekend, we mailed out the annual dues invoices and invitations to the Annual Meeting in January. Everyone for whom we had an email address on file should have received it in email within the last 2 days. Everyone who did not opt in to electronic-only communication will be receiving a printed copy in theContinue reading “2025 Dues notices and annual meeting invitation mailed”
Attached below, please find the proposed budget for 2025. This budget will be discussed (and possibly changed, based on feedback) at the open board meeting this Friday, November 1, 2024. The budget as proposed will have the dues for 2025 set at $140 (but is subject to change until final approval, as stated above). ThereContinue reading “Proposed 2025 Budget and Dues Amount”
The Rolling Meadows HOA will be hosting an open board meeting November 1, 2024 at 7:00 p.m., at Searchlight Ministries, located at 4020 22nd Ave, Hudsonville, MI 49426. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss: If you are interested in participating in the financial process of the neighborhood and would like to know moreContinue reading “Open Board Meeting November 1 at 7pm”
If you are reading this, you are already on the new site! Welcome! While has been a great free (with ads) host for us, we have moved the website to a self-hosted WordPress site, which not only gives you an ad-free experience, but allows us to eventually add integration with our accounting system soContinue reading “Our website has moved!”
The mailing with the 2024 dues bill and announcement of the 2024 Annual Homeowners Meeting was mailed on November 30th and should be arriving in mailboxes any day now, if you haven’t already gotten it. The executive summary: In order to save printing and mailing costs, a number of things which were not required byContinue reading “2024 Dues and Annual Meeting Announcement”
A public board meeting was held at Searchlight Ministries Church on November 14, 2023. The primary item of discussion was the proposed 2023 budget from Waveland. The budget was shown to meeting attendees and discussed, but final approval of the budget was deferred to a future board meeting to allow the final decision of whetherContinue reading “Minutes from the November 14, 2023 public board meeting”
FINANCIALS Waveland is in the process of collecting delinquent association dues and late fees or restriction violations fines from several residents. Due to urging by the community at the annual meeting, Waveland will continue to be levying fines in accordance with the fine schedule. Please check the Financial Operations folder in the Google Drive forContinue reading “Rolling Meadows Summer 2023 Newsletter”
FINANCIALS Waveland is in the process of collecting delinquent association dues from 3 residents and restriction violations fines from several other residents. All fines help offset the cost of Waveland’s management fee for monitoring compliance with the restrictions. DUMPING IN COMMON AREAS We are seeing an accumulation of garbage and yard waste in the commonContinue reading “Rolling Meadows Spring 2023 Newsletter”
The Community Handbook has been updated. You can get a new copy here: Community Handbook Changes: